Update: We no longer offer the photo greeting card tool. You can still make your own photo card, or collage in the PosterMyWall editor using your photos, and the editorβs drag and drop features. Get started with our collage templates.
Bored of the usual greeting card designs? Have a bunch of photos on Facebook? Create a personalized photo greeting card with a beautiful collage of your Facebook photos! Our photo greeting card tool integrates with your Facebook account and is smart enough to recommend your best Facebook photos in recent time. You also have the freedom of handpicking photos from your (or your friends') Facebook albums.

Photo greeting cards are printed on 5x7" high quality photo paper. You can order in bundles of 25. Each card comes with an envelope for easy mailing.
Tips for making your Photo Greeting Card
Here are some things to keep in mind when selecting photos for the collage on your photo greeting card:
Pick photos with closeups because each photo will be tiny on the printed card.
Pick at least 15 photos for the collage, so that each photo isn't stretched. This results in crisper prints.
Add all photos in an album by simply clicking the Select all photos button.
Be sure to try all card backgrounds, there are many to choose from!
Play with the different fonts available for the card title and signature. The signature is optional.
Getting Started
Here are some things you can do to get started with your photo greeting card right away!
Browse our greeting card templates to pick one you like and customize with your Facebook photos.
Take a tour of PosterMyWall to learn more about our tools.
Stay on top of the latest deals, contests, and promotions by visiting our Facebook page. You could win a free print of your flyer!