Artist Corner: Bryan Tyler

Artist Corner: Bryan Tyler

We'd like to introduce you to, Bryan Tyler, another outstanding PosterMyWall artist. He has contributed numerous popular designs to the PosterMyWall community, and in recognition of his work, he will receive $100 added to the commissions he has earned selling to the community. We truly appreciate Bryan for sharing his talent with us. We truly appreciate and thank you for being a great artist and contributor. Keep up the great work!  

About Bryan Tyler My name is Bryan Tyler, dad to 3 beautiful children and husband to an incredible wife. I am an accountant/auditor by day and a lead singer and guitar player by night. I currently play in a rock/funk/top 40/Jazz band called Broken Axle and have played in multiple bands including The Eli Young Band, and I do a lot of song writing. I also design posters for this website and most of the posters you see under the Broken Axle profile are posters that we use for our shows or are posters that people have asked me to design. I also design posters for bars, restaurants or other businesses that are in need of assistance and I use this website as a platform to do so. utilizes powerful graphics tools that are incredibly easy to use and I have had a lot of fun designing posters on this site. I usually stick with a vintage theme as these have been very successful with our band as well as for other businesses and events although I would be happy to take on any requests. If you have a special request, please email me at and I would be happy to design something for you. Please like us on Facebook at

Happy designing and thank you to Postermywall.comfor this great community of designers and creating such a great platform to create posters! Cheers!

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