Share View-Only Designs With PosterMyWall’s Improved Shared Folders

Share View-Only Designs With PosterMyWall’s Improved Shared Folders

You asked, we answered! Quite often once you’re done with your designs, you wish to share them with limited permissions, perhaps:

  • With your clients so they can view your work (not edit or add to it!)
  • With your students, so everyone can add their submissions to one shared folder
  • With your friends and family, to show off your designing skills!
  • With your co-workers, so you can work as a team and collaborate on projects

Your job is now even easier with our NEW Shared Folders.

You now have complete control over who can see your designs and in what capacity. Choose who can edit or copy your designs, add more designs to the shared folder, or invite other contributors. You can even set different permissions for each contributor to a shared folder!

How It Works

Here’s a quick walk-through of how this works:

1. Create shared folders from your My Stuff page by clicking on “New”

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2. You can change contributor permissions for each folder. Choose who can edit, add or copy designs. You can even give contributors permission to invite others!

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3. You can send a contributor a link to the folder, an invitation email, and even a personal message.

4. After they accept your invitation or click on the link, they will be able to access your folder. (Note: Contributors will need to have a PosterMyWall Account to gain access)

5. Once you have created a folder and added your contributors, you can change individual permissions of each contributor.

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Now with added features and more control, anyone can create collaborative projects and share their work as much as they like!

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