Personalize Your Reading Experience With Beautiful Bookmark Templates

Personalize Your Reading Experience With Beautiful Bookmark Templates

Avid bookworms fall into one of these three categories: people who heartlessly dog-ear the pages of their book, others who grab any receipt, scraps of paper, or a pen to mark the page and then there are book lovers who devotedly find matching bookmarks to use with each of their books.

If you belong to the final category, you’re in the right place. 

We understand that in addition to tracking the progress of your reading, bookmarks can also personalize your reading experience. 

Now you have two options: either go the DIY route and spend time, money and resources to make your own bookmarks or use a free graphic design tool to do all the designing for you! 

We hope you’ll pick the second path because we’ve brought you some fantastic bookmark templates that’ll make for a memorable reading experience. Be it a sarcastic literary quote, a daily reading inspiration or your Hogwarts House, a lot can go on a bookmark to make it uniquely yours.

Let’s learn more! 

Go By The Color And Theme Of The Book

One of the most popular trends among readers is to color code everything - from organizing books by color to matching bookmarks and book sleeves. Various studies show that colors tend to evoke specific emotions like happiness or excitement and can have a positive impact on people’s minds. 

So wouldn’t it be great to have bookmarks to go with each set of colored books that you own?  

For example, check out these pastel bookmarks. These will perfectly complement books with warm-colored spines and book covers. Moreover, matching them with the book jackets will give a truly aesthetic look to your bookshelves, as we have done below.

Let Your Favorite Author Guide The Way

Whether you are a fan of Harry Potter or would instead reread Game of Thrones, the chances are that these books and their authors significantly impact your style choices.

 So why not let them guide the way? 

Try this quiz to find your Hogwarts House aesthetics and build your bookmarks based on the results. Easy peasy!

On the other hand, books like Lord of the Rings, the Princess Bride, and Rebecca have been turned into TV shows and movies – why not use their visual appeal to inspire your design sense? 

The right bookmark can delight, inspire, and take readers on an imaginative, visual journey as they make their way through their beloved authors’ books. Just remember it’s a good idea to design bookmarks in 4.25x14 inch size, making them perfect for a standard-sized book.

Design Around A Quote That Inspires You

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” ― Dr. Seuss. 

It is universally acknowledged that readers can’t stop talking about how reading is the only enjoyable hobby out there. But readers are also introverted, shy beings who don’t want to be disturbed while they are reading. 

So how can you read in silence while also simultaneously indulging in conversations about the wonders of literature and reading?

Don’t you wish to have a bookmark that does the talking for you? Not in the literal sense, of course. But instead, a bookmark that can describe what reading means to you in just a few words. 

You don’t even have to worry about finding the right words to describe your feelings. Because PosterMyWall has a comprehensive variety of bookmark templates featuring lovely reading quotes that you can use to make your personalized bookmark.

Wrapping Up

With the help of online tools and your creative powers, transform your reading experience by using bookmarks explicitly tailored for your needs. No more wasting your time getting arts and crafts supplies. 

Instead, design online in a matter of minutes, print, laminate, and you are good to go. Now use your time to catch up on your reading instead.

Sounds fun? 

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