Why Get a Graphic Designer When You Can Do It Yourself?
Marilyn Harang is one of her husband’s biggest fans. For the last two years, she has been designing posters and flyers with PosterMyWall to promote her husband’s San Jose-based Allman Brothers tribute band, South 46 Band — a job she inherited when their professional graphic designer got too busy.
Marilyn is amazed at how easy it is to create high quality promotional materials with PosterMyWall, especially since she has no design or art background.
“The new editor is easy to use and is incredibly versatile. There are so many great templates to chose from.”
Whether she prints posters, sends high quality downloads to venues, or shares social media posts, everything Marilyn creates on PosterMyWall is crisp and professional.
Commenting on the band’s growing fan base, Marilyn says, “It’s the talent that makes the fans follow us from venue to venue, but it's the flyers, posters and Facebook posts that helps them find us.”