Anniversaries are a special occasion which should be celebrated with a very personalized gift. Our Poster Maker and Collage Maker are excellent tools which will let you make a personalized poster which you can give to your significant other on your next anniversary. Before getting started decide whether you would like your gift to focus on a few special photos or many different ones. Once you decide, then you’ll know whether to go for a collage or a poster. If you’re going to make a poster, be sure to check out our collection of professionally designed romantic poster backgrounds.
Here’re a few ideas on different themes you can use to get started with your anniversary gift.
Make a Collage of Vacation Pictures for your Anniversary Gift
There’s nothing like photos from memorable vacations to remind yourselves on your anniversary of all the fun times that you’ve shared together. A poster collage is a superb way to use all the photos that you have saved up from your vacations. The tool will automatically layout all your different photos for you so that you don’t have to spend time in arranging and aligning them. Try experimenting with the different border options, adding text and highlight photos on top of the collage. This way, you can put emphasis on specific photos if you’d like them to stand out from the rest of the collage.
Add Photos of Family and Friend Events to your Anniversary Gift
Sometimes, special events celebrated with family and close friends remind a couple of all the extraordinary moments that they have shared together. This is especially true if you live near extended family or are part of a close knit group of friends. Try finding photos of the two of you with the other important people in your lives. Good events to add are holidays, the birth of children, birthdays and even other people’s anniversaries. These photos are sure to create a remarkable gift which your partner will treasure for many years to come.
Include Your Favorite Places in your Poster
Every couple has a number of favorite places that they like to go to together. They can be a restaurant, park, mall, museums or even the opera house! If there’s still time before your anniversary and you’re missing photos of some of your favorite places make sure to go there and take a few shots with your partner.
Printing Options for your Anniversary Gift
PosterMyWall offers multiple printing options. There’re a number of different sizes available that fall under all different kinds of budgets as well. You can even use the ‘download’ option in the tools and get a free flyer size image of your poster which you can add to your anniversary card or even use as wrapping paper. What a unique and really special anniversary gift that would make!
Credits: Photo by Angelo Gonzalez