Introducing Effects for Background Images!
A great looking background image can do wonders for your poster’s design. To help you make background images look even better, we’ve added the ability to add filters and effects to them.
Here’s a rundown of the different effects you’ll find in the editor.
The new background effects include filters, 2 unique effects, and 3 additional effects that you can apply onto your background.
Filters include the effects Sepia and Black & White effects. We’ll let the pictures do the talking for each filter.
Normal unfiltered poster
Sepia filter
Black & white filter
Brightness allows you to add light, or remove light from the background. Too much light or too less light may hide some elements in your background so use wisely.
As the name suggests, it adds contrast between colors and makes your images more crisp, and individual elements in the background more visible. Be careful how you use it, too less contrast will make your image dull, and too much contrast will light it up like a Christmas Tree (not necessarily a good thing).
Saturation allows you to brighten colors in the background on one end, or remove color and make the background black and white on the other hand.
Tint adds a slight color overlay onto the background. You can set the opacity to make the tint more or less subtle. The default setting is recommended. This effect is great for quickly adding an overlay to improve legibility of text placed over the background.
Looks very similar to tint effect, but multiply also adds a progressively darker layer on the background. It’s a commonly used technique among professional designers. Applying the color white will have no effect.